Rookie leg-spinner Rahul Sharma feels hard work and long sessions with India team's bowling coach Eric Simmons has helped him a lot going into his maiden international match."I have been interacting with Eric Simmons regarding variations and that has helped me a lot. I am also learning a lot while playing alongside Ashwin. I hope to improve with experience," the lanky Sharma, who had impressive figures of three for 43 against West Indies at Indore, told reporters in the pre-match press conference today.When asked about his assessment on the nature of the strip, the spinner said, "It's looks like a turning track. I would definitely like to do well again and ensure a 4-1 series victory for us."For nearly two months, Sharma has been a mere passenger as he didn't get to play a single ODI or T20 against England. He was in the sidelines for the Test series against the Windies and was also not in the scheme of things for the first three ODIs."I wasn't disheartened at all. I spent a lot of time in the nets and worked on various technical aspects that I needed to work on."With the series already in pocket, the Indians had an optional net session on the eve of their fifth and final ODI here tomorrow.Most of the players barring a few like Suresh Raina were confined to their hotel rooms. Stand-in captain Virender Sehwag, who scored an epic 219 in the fourth ODI, arrived in the evening as he was given a day off to spend some time with his family back in Delhi.