The controversy and the outrage surrounding South Africa’s very own Caster Semenya, the World champion in the 800 metres, refuses to die down here.

Everyone, including the very powerful in the African National Congress, is now calling for the head of Athletics South Africa boss Leonard Chuene, who admitted on Saturday that he was advised by a team doctor to withdraw Semenya from the World Championships in Berlin following results of gender tests conducted in South Africa.

Leaked reports that suggest Semenya was a hermaphrodite haven’t gone down well with the people in her country. Winnie Mandela has asked the citizens of the nation to stand behind their new star, while public support for the athlete is high.

While everyone’s voice on the sudden rise of this 18-year-old can be heard, Semenya, in the centre of the storm, has preferred to maintain silence. Michael Seme, her coach at the University of Pretoria, is confident that his ward will come out of it all unscathed. “She will break her silence when the time is right,” Seme told DNA on Tuesday.

Seme, under whom Semenya trained in the run-up to the World Championships, believes that the 800 metre World Champion is one of the most talented runners he has seen in his 30-year-old coaching career.

“I started training her in January this year and immediately what impressed me was her grasping power. She had certain technical flaws that needed to be sorted out. But once she realised what she needs to change she kept improving by leaps and bounds,” Seme added.

In March this year, Semenya broke Zola Budd’s 25-year-old junior world record in the 800. “Semenya’s talent was obvious from the first time I saw her run. I invited her to train under me and I think the results shouldn’t surprise anyone, especially those who have been following her career closely,” Seme added.

Semenya isn’t the only athlete Seme has coached over the past year, but it is the world champion’s achievement that has made him also a household name.

“I am sure that once things settle down Semenya will be ready to show the world what she is capable of achieving. While all the controversy surrounding her victory has been a bit disheartening it can’t put her down forever. I am going to continue coaching her and all my other athletes. When someone has talent it is important to promote it. That is all I did in Semenya’s case.”