The cricket World Cup is still some way off. But the bookies seem to have made up their mind on the winner. According to them, India’s chances of lifting the Cup are the brightest. Ireland and three other teams don’t come up to the scratch as far as punters are concerned.


According to a conservative estimate, bets worth Rs50,000 crore are expected to be placed during this World Cup.

The punters have opened the books by giving Dhoni’s team a winning chance: Rs3.20 per Re1; while the odds are stacked against Ireland, Canada, Kenya and Netherlands: Rs1,000 per Re1.

The second favourite team is Sri Lanka. The odds for Sri Lanka are Rs5 per rupee. It is clear that the bookies have factored in the home advantage for India and Sri Lanka.

Australia, South Africa and England are placed as favourites in that order. Australia has been rated at Rs5.80 per rupee, followed by South Africa’s opening bet at Rs6, England at Rs7.50 and Pakistan at Rs9. New Zealand and West Indies share the opening bet of Rs22 while Bangladesh and Zimbabwe have been placed at Rs50 and Rs400, respectively.

“So far, we have accepted bets worth Rs5,000 crore but by the end of the World Cup the total betting will cross  the Rs50,000 crore mark across the country. A major share, between Rs15,000 and   Rs20,000 crore  shall be placed in Mumbai alone,” said a bookie from South Mumbai.

Considering the huge money involved, bookies are juggling several choices as place of operation. They will be under the watch of the Mumbai police as well as of the special cell of the International Cricket Council (ICC), which shall keep a tab on local as well as international bookies.