Neeraj Chopra, India’s defending Javelin champion, faces fierce competition in the Paris Olympics final on August 8. Despite his impressive qualification throw of 89.34 meters, he will contend with Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem, who has a personal best of 90.18 meters.
Updated : Aug 08, 2024, 02:05 PM IST
As the Paris Olympics draws to a thrilling close, all eyes are set on Neeraj Chopra, who is gearing up for the Javelin throw final on August 8 at 11:55 PM. The defending champion from India is the nation’s biggest hope to secure a gold medal and bolster India's Olympic tally.
Neeraj made headlines in the qualification round with an impressive throw of 89.34 meters on his very first attempt, showcasing his formidable prowess. However, the path to victory won’t be easy, as he faces stiff competition from Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem and Grenada’s Anderson Peters.
The longstanding India-Pakistan rivalry adds an extra layer of excitement to this event. Neeraj holds a perfect 9-0 record over Arshad in their previous encounters, yet this does not guarantee an easy win in Paris.
Arshad Nadeem, despite being previously bested by Neeraj, brings a notable advantage to the table. His personal best throw of 90.18 meters, achieved during the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, surpasses Neeraj’s best mark of 89.94 meters. This slight edge could give Arshad a psychological boost heading into the final.
Despite their fierce rivalry, both athletes have consistently praised each other. Following his qualification for the final, Arshad extended his best wishes to Neeraj, who reciprocated with congratulations for Arshad’s performance.
For fans eager to catch the action, the final will be broadcast live on Jio Cinema.