Former India coach says that he is happy for the way Sourav Ganguly’s career ended

MUMBAI: So what did they chat during this meeting (see the pic below) at the Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore on October 8.9?. Mind you, that was the day after Sourav Ganguly announced his retirement from international cricket. Ganguly had stated in recent interviews that the former coach had in fact congratulated him on his retirement.

So what does Greg Chappell have to say about that meeting? The former India coach has said that he indeed greeted Ganguly whose relationship with the former captain is now the part of Indian cricket’s folklore.

“I congratulated him on his retirement.” Chappell told DNA on Monday, the day after Ganguly took the final bow from international cricket.

Chappell then provided more insight into that widely-photographed meeting. “I had a good chat with Sourav in Bangalore and congratulated him on his career and wished him well for the future.”

The main thing about the whole retirement, Chappell said, was that Ganguly went out the way he chose. “I was pleased that he was able to go out on his own terms,” he said expressing happiness for his one-time ward.

Chappell, who was with the Australian team till the second Test in Mohali, has followed the Test series.

“I’m happy that Ganguly’s final series went so well. He deserved it for what he has given to cricket in India.”

On the key issue of their relationship, Chappell virtually agreed with what Dada has already spoken on the topic. “It is sad that so much was made of our relationship in the media but I am pleased that we have had the chance to have a personal chat.”

Ganguly recently said that the Australian was misguided by some people and he held no grudges against the former coach.  “We are on good terms,” Chappell observed. The former coach, however, was unwilling to make any comments on the India-Australia series which the hosts won 2-0.