Manchester City's rich players showed that they really are a tight squad by tipping restaurant staff a measly £1.48 each at the club's Christmas party.Despite many of the players earning more than £100,000 a week, they couldn't even pass the two pound mark, leaving the starry-eyed staff bewildered. The tip for the party of more than 20 ­millionaire aces averaged out at just £1.48 a head, the Daily Star reports. A stunned insider said: "As soon as we heard Manchester City players were coming we thought happy days. Quids in. Virtually all of the big names were there and it's no secret how much these guys earn." "A tenner-a-head tip would have bought the staff drinks all night. It's a drop in the ocean for these players. The bill came to more than £400 but the tip they left was a joke. "It worked out to £1.48 a head. I pay more than that when I'm in Nando's. I'll tell you what they are. They're ­Meanchester City!" the insider said England stars Shaun Wright-Phillips, Adam Johnson, Gareth Barry, Joleon Lescott and Joe Hart plus internationals Vincent ­Kompany, Nigel De Jong and Yaya Toure were among the players who feasted on squid ­starters and ­pasta mains. They then hit the bar at flash nightclub ­Suburbia where they necked Greygoose Vodka cocktails, the paper reports.