MELBOURNE: Under criticism that it has buckled under Indian pressure, the International Cricket Council has sought to do a balancing act, saying rules are same for all the teams sending an apparent message that India should accept the decision on Harbhajan Singh's appeal and not pull-out of the tour.

"We can't have one set of rules for the India team and another set for everyone else. We will follow the process and and I hope, whatever the outcome all parties will be able to say they have had a fair hearing,", ICC's Chief Executive Malcolm Speed was quoted as saying in a report on 'Times Online'.
"India have signed off on the appeals process. They were there when all the discussions took place", he said.
Speed insisted that Harbhajan's appeal against a three-Test ban for alleged racial abuse would be heard before the end of the series.
"I am very pleased the tour is going ahead, there is a process in place for appeals and Harbhajan Singh has appealed," Speed said.
He said the logistical issues of gathering all the required players to give evidence was the only matter of concern, denying suggestions ICC may want to put off the problem until after the Test series was over.

The BCCI had said after its Working Committee meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday that it would "continue with the tour for the present" but would review the developments from time to time, an indication that it could still exercise the option of calling off the tour if the verdict went against Harbhajan.
The appeal will be heard by New Zealand High Court judge Justice John Hansen at a venue still to be determined.