WWE star John Cena has promised fans a "Sixth Move of Doom" finisher for some time. The 16-time world champion finally revealed the new finisher at a WWE live event in China recently.


John Cena, who appears for WWE on only part-time basis these days as he is busy with his film career, returned to the ring for a WWE live event in Shanghai.

And during his comeback, Cena delivered a new 'Lightning Fist' move. 

Cena has been sometimes mocked by the WWE fans for having only five genuine moves. Cena is known for using a flying shoulderblock, a sitout hip toss, a spinout powerbomb, the Five Knuckle Shuffle and his Attitude Adjustment to win matches.

However, Cena seems to be adding new moves to his set in recent past and has promised fans he will deliver something special at Shanghai. 

Cena had claimed that he had picked up something new during training at Jackie Chan’s JC Stunt Team International Training Centre, ahead of his upcoming movie Project X - a film that sees him co-starring with the martial arts legend.

And teaming with Finn Balor and Bobby Lashley in a six-man tag match against Elias, Jinder Mahal and Baron Corbin, Cena produced the 'Lightning Fist' to see off Elias and win the match for his side.

Cena’s next appearance is set to take place at WWE Super Show-Down on October 6 at the MCG in Australia.