Youngsters in the national football team agreed with coach Bob Houghton's assertion that Indians would soon ply trade abroad but felt instead of trying their luck in the "tough" leagues in Europe, they are game for playing in Asian countries.

Houghton had said that the country's rising football profile and a good show in the 2011 Asian Cup could lead to Indian players moving on to greener pastures abroad.

India qualified for the 2011 Asian Cup after winning AFC Challenge Cup last year under Houghton and two important members of that team said they were ready to play in Asian countries if they are offered a chance.
Asian Football Confederation had last year mooted that out of the quota of four overseas players in the professional clubs one will have to be from the continent if they want to take part in AFC competitions.
Some countries including South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia have already implemented the rule and India is likely to follow soon.

India defender Gouramangi Singh said there was no harm in trying their luck leagues in Asian countries, even if they are not top countries like Japan, Korea and Saudi Arabia.

"From whatever I can collect it is tough to get into European leagues. So there is no harm in trying for Asian Leagues," Gouramangi said from Goa.

"I am not saying that we should not try for Europe. It is good that Sunil Chhetri went for trials in England though unfortunately he could not get to play there. Europe is always the top priority. It is the best place to play but I am ready to go and play in Japan or Korea or Saudi Arabia," Gourmangi said.
"I am even ready to play in Singapore or Malaysia. They also have good teams, their infrastructure is good. Moreover, their football seasons are different from here so I would even be happy to play for some time there and come back to play I-League here (in India)," he added.

India's attacking mid-fielder NP Pradeep, who had earlier planned to go for a trial in Cyprus, would also grab an offer to play in Asian countries but said getting in J-League of Japan and in Korea would be as tough as getting in Europe.
"Getting into J-League and in Korea are also very tough so I would look to play in Europe even if I have to play in second division like Sunil Chhetri had gone for Coventry," he said.
"But I am not saying that I would spurn an offer from Asian countries. I want to play outside and ready to play in Asian countries if I get an offer even if that comes from countries like Singapore or Malaysia," he added.