Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has branded Premier League rivals Manchester City "arrogant" over their controversial Carlos Tevez poster campaign.
After securing the services of Tevez for 25 million pounds following the South American's successful two-year stint at Old Trafford, Manchester City infuriated Ferguson by erecting a giant poster at the bottom of Deansgate, one of Manchester's busiest shopping areas, declaring: "Carlos Tevez, welcome to Manchester."

The poster emphasized the fact that City are based in the city of Manchester, whereas United are in the neighbouring borough of Trafford, something Blues fans have pointed out regularly down the years as they laid claim to the title of Manchester's only club.

Ferguson said: "It is like one of those war adverts - Your Country Needs You. Arrogance comes in lots of different ways. I think it is daft. They were having a go at Manchester United. They have had a problem ever since I joined United in 1986,” The Sun quoted Fergie, as saying.