In a perfect world, Rio Ferdinand and Ashley Cole would put all of their issues behind them for the greater good of the England team before they report for duty at St George's Park on Monday, but that will be easier said than done.They will be urged to draw a line under their rift (created by Cole giving evidence in support of John Terry during his trial last summer when he was cleared of racially abusing Rio's brother, Anton) but it depends how deep the hurt goes.The fact that Cole and Rio were good friends prior to the case means it may be harder for them to resolve this. Being so close previously could make it more difficult for them to wipe the slate clean and start afresh.Having chosen to bring Ferdinand back into the fold, however, England manager Roy Hodgson will know that the situation between the Manchester United defender and Cole is one that must be resolved because trust and reliability are crucial commodities on a pitch. He he will not want two of his most experienced players feeling they can neither trust nor rely on each other.The reality of a football dressing room is no different to any other workplace in that it is impossible to find a group of 18-20 people who all like each other. But it is not about liking each other, it is about being able to rely on each other and the classic example of footballers overcoming personal issues to perform at the highest level is that of Teddy Sheringham and Andy Cole at Manchester United. They did not speak to each other off the pitch, but on it, they proved that rifts or personality clashes do not have to affect performance.But, clearly, Hodgson will not want Ferdinand and Cole going into games not talking to each other, so he needs to get them together for five minutes before they walk into the dressing room and ask them to shake hands and get on with it.If that does not happen and they are left to come face to face in the dressing room, the only guarantee is that the rest of the squad will be relentless in their mickey-taking of the pair, as that is usually the way that footballers defuse any tension.There will be comments such as 'We're all friends again now, are we?' and similar attempts to be light-hearted, but the big positive in this is that Terry's retirement from international football has taken away the person who is the root of the problem between Ferdinand and Cole. His presence would only have exacerbated things.From personal experience, I can attest to the problems that can arise when there are factions within a squad. Throughout my time with Scotland, there was a sense of 'them and us' between the English-based players - the Anglos - and those playing in Scotland.I experienced it from both sides, having been called up while playing for Partick Thistle before joining Liverpool, and it was never ideal.I would not say there was a jealousy between the two groups but there was certainly suspicion and it was not conducive to success. Yes, Scotland qualified for major tournaments, but we never progressed beyond the group stage of any, despite the players we had.So, it is important that Hodgson finds a way to ensure that Ferdinand and Cole can move on and put their problems behind them, in a football sense at least.Hodgson has already overcome one big obstacle, however, by going back to Ferdinand and recalling him.Ferdinand, for his part, has accepted the call-up and that should draw a line under any resentment he may have had towards the manager for overlooking him until now.Ferdinand had a choice when he was called up. He could have turned it down, but he chose to take it, so that suggests he has been prepared to forget any issues he had with Hodgson.From Sir Alex Ferguson's comments about the implications for Ferdinand and his fitness as a result of his England return, accepting the call-up has been a big decision for the player.United's medical team have done exceptionally well to improve his fitness to the point where he is now, by some distance, England's best centre-half. Against Real Madrid in the Champions League, there was no hiding place for him, but he came through both legs with flying colours and Hodgson simply had to pick him.Ferdinand will obviously now be targeting the World Cup in Brazil as the ultimate swansong, but Hodgson's decision was all about getting through the Montenegro game next week.