Saturday's IPL 2016 opener was marred by several problems. The least of these was a tacky looking scoreboard that left you trying to locate the score, the number of overs, who's batting or just got out, and so on.


But there were other, more pressing problems. One was the noise created by overlapping English, Hindi and Telugu commentary. The second was Navjot Singh Sidhu's obnoxious commentary.

Click here for the full coverage of the IPL 2016, including scorecard, match reports, commentary and fixtures

Sidhu's commentary has always ranged from the funny to the cringeworthy, but on Saturday it was especially unbearable. Needless, to say, Sidhu was trending on Twitter for the wrong reasons.

Plain and simple, ask him to be quiet.

 Mark Antony provided a solution but it wasn't available for us poor souls here on the newsdesk.

Dhileep was feeling the pressure.

Rajiv takes a potshot at a certain news anchor, lumping him in with Sidhu.

 Amit Varma is very kind to give us an example of a Sidhuism.

 Laxman is spot on. I feel you bro.

 Ya, Anurag may have a few words to say about that. Or more.

Zubair has an interesting perspective.