MELBOURNE: The proposed India-Australia one-day international cricket series to be played in Ireland in June appears in doubt following lukewarm response from the Indian Cricket Board.

Cricket Australia Spokesman Peter Young said only a little more than two months were remaining for the three-match event but negotiations between the two Boards seems to have stalled as CA was still awaiting written confirmation from the BCCI.

"We have been discussing with the BCCI about New York, about Toronto and most recently the discussion has been Ireland," Young said.

"We are waiting for them to give a written reply as to where we stand. We certainly have not had confirmation from them," he was quoted as saying by the 'Herald Sun'.

Young, however, denied there was any cooling in the relations of the two Boards.

"I don't think the way we liaise with the Indian Board has changed in the time I have been here," he said.

The paper said another potential speed bump could be how to split the percentage of revenue between the two nations.

Australia wants an equal share but the Indians feel they deserve more.

The BCCI will run the event and could sell the off-shore television rights for each match for about $8 million, considerably boosting CA's already over-flowing coffers.

While India may have been a dismal failure in the World Cup, the country still remains the most powerful cricket nation in the world as more than 60 per cent of the game's revenue is generated there.