Manchester United ace striker Wayne Rooney has Bayern Munich so worried that they are ready to ditch their tried and trusted man-marking tactics in a bid to somehow stop the England star, who is in the form of his life. Rooney has notched 33 goals for the Red Devils this season and was rested for the 4-0 hammering of Bolton on Saturday, but can expect to find himself back in the playing eleven when he returns to action at the Allianz Arena. Bayern skipper Mark van Bommel said: "It will not be easy to deal with Rooney because he is such a good player." "We normally man-mark players like him but I don't think we can with him because he is too good. We will have to defend zonally so that more than one player can take care of him," The Sun quoted Bommel, as saying. The special arrangements Bayern are making for Rooney is a testament to his outstanding form this season and his enhanced reputation across Europe. Bommel is under no illusions as to the size of the task his team face in trying to prevent 24-year-old Rooney and United reaching the last four of the continent's elite competition. The Dutch international said: "It will be a very difficult tie because United, along with Barcelona, are the favourites to win the Champions League. I also don't think it is an advantage for us to play the first game at home. "But we played the first game at home against Fiorentina in the last round and we came through. If we draw 0-0 here and score in Manchester then we will have the advantage."