The message from the FIA was loud and clear: the Bahrain Grand Prix is on. And not just on but 200% on according to Bernie Ecclestone.After the governing body finally broke its silence on the issue, releasing a lengthy statement which boiled down to the fact that it was satisfied with the security arrangements in place, Formula One's chief executive met briefly with representatives from all 12 teams in the Shanghai paddock on Friday.Ecclestone told them the race was going ahead on April 22. No one objected, at least not in China.It was rather different in Bahrain. Within hours of the announcement being made, images of protesters burning posters of Ecclestone circulated on Twitter and, according to local reporters, a tense calm reigned in the capital Manama after an explosion overnight left two cars damaged while traffic chaos caused by road blocks and a heavy police presence is said to be a nuisance.The clarity from the sport's rulers was long overdue and a palpable relief for the teams after a week of intense speculation. On a cold and dreary practice day in Shanghai, a cloud appeared to lift from above their heads, if only because they did not have to keep answering questions on the subject."I am happy to take the team to Bahrain," said Williams director Toto Wolff, who represented the Grove-based outfit in the absence of Sir Frank Williams and recently-departed chairman Adam Parr. "I have to balance out what information I get and, at the moment, it seems to be competent. I would rather go for [information from] competent people there, rather than Facebook. They say it is safe; safe for teams, safe for F1, and that is why we go full steam ahead to Bahrain."His support was endorsed, perhaps most significantly, by Damon Hill, who had perhaps done most to stir up the debate last week when he urged the FIA to rethink its decision."I am now 100 per cent behind the FIA decision to race in Bahrain," the 1996 world champion said. "All the arguments have been made for and against. Human rights organisations have had their cases heard."No one is under any illusions about the situation. But the less vocal majority of Bahrainis also have a right to get on with their lives and we also have a responsibility to our F1 fans in the region."I hope that F1 can be seen as a symbol of all that is possible if we can work together peacefully."That seemed somewhat optimistic. Ahead of planned demonstrations in Bahrain last night thousands joined a funeral procession for a man shot during an anti-government protest two weeks ago, in Salmabad just outside Manama, while a pro-am golf tournament involving big names from Colin Montgomerie to Tim Henman was taking place not far away at the Royal Golf Club's Montgomerie Course.Opinion in the Gulf kingdom appears to be split. "It's exactly what we need right now to unite us all - a driving force to bring us all together," said Yasmeen, a Sunni from Budaiya who said she would be at the race with her friends. But Abdulla Hassa, a 19-year-old Shia from Sanabis village, said that after last year's repression and deaths "there's no way Formula One should be held".Amnesty International said it did not support the race. "Holding the grand prix in Bahrain in 2012 risks being interpreted by the government of Bahrain as symbolising a return to business as usual," the human rights organisation said in a statement."The international community must not turn a blind eye to the ongoing human rights crisis in this country. The government must understand that its half-hearted measures are not sufficient - sustained progress on real human rights reform remains essential."An ethical uneasiness arising from such statements, perhaps even more than fears regarding security, is prevalent among teams and sponsors.The Paddock Club, where teams traditionally entertain their VIP guests, is likely to be empty next weekend with teams admitting they have invited virtually no guests, while the media centre also promises to be less full than usual.For Bahrain's beleaguered race organisers, though - not to mention their beleaguered economy - this was a big moment.As Formula One finally reached a decision and knuckled down to qualifying in China today, where despite "difficulties finding a good set-up" McLaren's Jenson Button starts as favourite with team-mate Lewis Hamilton the recipient of a five-place grid penalty, they could start making the final preparations for next weekend's race."For the overwhelming majority of people in the kingdom, be they residents or visitors, daily life is back to normal and has been for many months now," assured Jassim Albardooli, a spokesman for Bahrain International Circuit.Formula One will find out for itself soon enough.