Olympic swimmer Virdhawal Khade didn’t match up to the best in the world at the Games in Beijing, but he tells Rajesh Pansare that by improving his technique and putting in a lot of hard work, he can make it to the top...

How did swimming happen? Didn’t you ever think of playing any other sport?
I started swimming just for fun. I got selected for my first National competition in 2001 where I won a silver medal in 100 metres freestyle. From then on I got hooked to it and never thought of giving it up.

Was it difficult initially?
It was quite tough. For the first few years, I was the only one from Kolhapur to compete at national meets. I used to practice on my own. The swimming pool was only 33 metres long. My family supported me a lot when I started swimming. It gave me the confidence and I was able to push myself to do better. The locals built a full-length swimming pool in Kolhapur three-four year ago but I practice in Bangalore now.

Did you ever think of giving up swimming?
No, I never thought of quitting swimming. Because, my timing kept improving and it kept my morale high. So far it has given me positive results.

How did you get in touch with Nihar Ameen (coach)?
He spotted me in 2005 during an international competition. He was impressed with my performance and then spoke to my dad and convinced him to move base to Bangalore. Since then I’m training with him and have got some good results.

You have been competing at the top level for the last couple of years. What do you think you have to do to bridge the difference in time with the swimmers from top nations?
It’s really tough. But I’m improving day by day and if I continue with my performance I will very soon bridge the gap. I’ve to improve my technique and increase my strength, which is a key element for a swimmer. Under the guidance of Mr Ameen, I’m improving.

Michael Phleps likes to listen to music before every race. What do you like to do?
I also like to listen to music, but it depends on my mood what I listen to. Generally, I listen to English songs, not any particular group or artist but anything that peps me up for the race. Anything with a lot of energy.

Have you set yourself any personal goals?
I haven’t set any long terms goals as such. The season is ending now for me. I will take a break after the senior nationals in November. When I resume my practice, I will plan for the coming season.

Swimming isn’t a top sport in India? How difficult is it for you to get the required sponsorship to fund your trips?
Swimming has got a lot of publicity in last year or so because of the swimmers qualifying for the Beijing Olympics, not by wild card but by achieving the qualification marks. Nowadays, a lot of them are getting better support as compared to few years back. It is happening because the performance of the swimmers has improved and a lot of young swimmers are performing better. For me personally, I haven’t faced any trouble so far.

You used the Speedo LZR suit at Beijing? Do you feel it is really useful for the swimmers? How does it help?
It streamlines your body and keeps your body steady in water. I’ve been using body fit suit for last one year and started using LZR just before the Olympics and I can really feel the difference.

How many gold medals are you aiming to win at the Commonwealth Games?
I’ll take part in eight events (five individual and three relays). But I’ll be aiming for five golds as our relay team is a bit weak. There will be tough competition from Australian, English and Canadian swimmers.

You have created a sensation in swimming circles in India. Have people started recognising you?
After I returned from the Olympics, a lot of people started recognising me, especially in Kolhapur. Not so many in Bangalore, where I spent most of my time training, but still some do recognise me.