Bishan Singh Bedi has been fighting against mismanagement and corruption in Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) for nearly 40 years. Under Paaji, I and others have tried to bring in transparency and integrity of DDCA affairs. The massive corruption in the construction/ reconstruction of the Ferozeshah Kotla stadium had been riddled with evident financial malpractices and contracts worth crores of rupees given to ghost contractors.


Several inquiries by ROC, SFIO, internal auditors, executive committee members, election commission appointed by Hon. Sessions Court, and now a three-member committee appointed by the Delhi government, etc. have confirmed massive defalcations and round tripping of money and mismanagement.

The SFIO report, Internal Audit Report of VK Bajaj & Company, Fact Finding Committee of DDCA office-bearers, police, press, media etc. had all but trashed the defence of DDCA office bearers who had been literally ripping apart DDCA funds.

Fake, exaggerated bills, sham accounts, round tripping of money, conflict of interest, influencing the government to look the other way for infraction of rules and procedure, etc. have all but exposed DDCA's manipulation of the system to evade the law.

A web of transactions amongst several sham companies, operating from non-existent addresses and, for imaginary work, had shown how crores and crores of DDCA money was illegally taken out – all the while, when I and NCT Cricket Association were asking DDCA to take action to check the loot.

DDCA had several consultancy/ CA/ legal firms that were being paid for same jobs over and over again. Several companies were paid for same or strikingly similar jobs. Retaining the auditor specially hand picked by DDCA, year after year, to camouflage the loot, has been a speciality of DDCA.

Practically, every day, including holidays, the hard-working lawyers were appearing in courts during the day and were even speaking with senior lawyers in the evening, for which additional bills were being paid to them. It was clear that nearly Rs 20 crore was swindled in each of the years when DDCA management was in power. DDCA never bothered to answer queries raised by members and cricketers like us.

Overaged cricketers were allowed to play in lower age groups, which proved to be a hurdle for genuine DDCA boys in turning out for their genuine age-group teams. Corruption was endemic in DDCA and office bearers have been sticking to their chairs by exploiting the proxy-voting system, perfected under DDCA's 'crooked' leadership. The newly-appointed Delhi government Inquiry Commission is likely to summon us, and we shall hand over proof by the tons.

A senior electronic media journalist has recounted a story of his wife having been asked by a DDCA official to "come at night" if she wanted her son to be in the Delhi cricket team. He is also ready to testify at the inquiry.

While we may have succeeded in exposing the seamier side of DDCA, I doubt that we have been able to turn the clock back for all those talented and hard working boys who have toiled day after day in harsh weather, heat or cold in inadequate gear and who have been left out in the cold.

Guys with influence and/ or money power have unfortunately taken centrestage. We hope that it is set to change.

As for me – I have other sports to look at. I am determined to clean the muck in other disciplines too. With your support, I am wading into the nefarious affairs of hockey, and shall be in touch with you soon.

(Kirti Azad is former India cricketer and sitting Member of Parliament)