The Seven Deadly Sins have just got a 21st Century upgrade. The Vatican announced on Monday that there would be seven new members to add to the damned list. Speak Up was at its tempting best as it asked Mumbaikars if they deemed the list to be a tad too extreme. They loved the eco bit, and revealed that they were all sinners at heart

We promote recycling and are against pollution
The new sins announced by the Vatican are a very good sign of moving towards a new global and clean environment. We have to change with the changing times and should try our level best to maintain a pollution-free environment. At the Siddhivinayak temple we are in the process of trying, in our own little way, to maintain an environmental balance. For example, we have recently started the recycling of nirmalaya flowers that are offered at the temple. These flowers are then recycled and sold as bags. A lot of people do buy these bags for the only reason that they are environmental friendly. According to the Hindu religion all sins are forgiven if a confession is made in front of God. Although faiths differ the message that all religions are trying to spread are on the same lines. Religion is in fact a great way to spread such ecological messages. 
—Subhash Mayekar. Chairman. Siddhivinayak Temple Trust

Committing abortion is a sin because it is murder
Islam defines sins as things which are harmful and destructive to you as well as others. A sin is disobeying God, but in the larger context it is disobedience to all.
The pope has now redefined these sins in the current social scenario and re-translated them in contextual understanding. Islaam believes abortion is a sin. You can't kill someone who is already living inside you. We believe more in family planning. Taking precautions defined as Azl by Islamic religion is permissible.
The use of plastic can't be described as a sin although it is a bad action. But possessing excessive money can be classified as a sin. Even Islaam believes in sharing wealth(Zakat). Obligatory charity has always been an important constituent of Islaam. 
–Dr Zeenat Ali. Professor Islamic Studies, St Xavier's College 

The environment needs protection before it’s late
Common sense tells us that the environment needs to be protected. No religion will ever favour the destruction of God's creations.
The new deadly sins are a way to reach out to a large number of people. Religion helps get the message across because it directly touches the hearts of people.
Anything that goes against nature is not good. So pollution needs to be controlled. The unnatural accumulation of resources and wealth is also not a good thing.
NGOs and activists have been working towards educating people but it hasn't worked. Such an initiative, as the one taken by the Vatican,  will surely change the way things are.
–Ajit Singh. Principal Khalsa College and Sikh scholar

It is important to share excessive wealth
The Zoroastrians have been looking after the environment since thousands of years. It is something that we are all concerned about. The sky, water, earth, plants, animals, man and fire are the seven creations of God that we worship. It is important that the environment is respected and protected. Citizens should play a proactive role in saving the ecology.
As far as wealth is concerned, we do not have any ceiling on the generation of income. But we surely have to learn to share wealth. Charity is an important virtue.
The pope and his college of cardinals are great scholars and have decided what the dos and don'ts should be after research.
–Khojeste Mistree. Zoroastrian scholar

People tend to overlook the rights of others
You wouldn’t deliberately mix toxic waste in your drinking water, so how come you throw plastic bags in the river? You wouldn’t kill one person just to save another, so how come you are quiet against genetic engineering? People are very aware of their own rights, but when it comes to the rights of others they comfortably overlook them. If the definition of sin is ‘an act against God and neighbour’, then the new list of seven deadly sins is a challenge for Roman Catholics to re-examine their lives.
–Lydia Davidson

Possession of large amounts of money is not a sin
I have read about the new deadly sins announced by the Vatican. One of the sins mentioned about the usage of plastic bags is not really a 'deadly sin'. Maybe later in life it might prove to be dangerous so we should avoid using it. But as of today we are have not reached at a point where we can only do with paper bags. About consuming drugs I think it is not just harmful to the individual but to the society at large as they can become drug peddlers as well. Possession of excessive amount of money would not necessarily be a sin.   
–Ryan Pereira

I would not consider dealing in drugs a sin
Using plastic is a deadly sin as it harms the environment to a great extent. Dealing with drugs is a source of income for some people, it's a kind of trade and I would not consider it as a deadly sin. Also possession of excessive amounts of money by few people is not a sin. People should not be have a problem unless the money has been obtained by unfair means. I would consider abortion as a deadly sin too. Rape and other heinous crimes committed against innocent women are crimes too.  The original sins are dated. Everyone’s committing them!
–Desmond Fernandes    

Smoking, drinking alcohol and telling lies are sins for me
Drinking and smoking should surely be considered as the deadliest sins. These habits affect the health of the individual and passive smoking also affects all the helpless people around.
Today, many people spend lots of money on smoke and drinks. If they are classified as sins, it will benefit may people. I am sure people will start altering their lifestyles. Another deadly sin is telling lies. Even though telling lies doesn’t sound like a sin, my personal experience says it is. The use of plastic bags, consumption of drugs and possession of excessive amounts of money by some people are all sins. The Vatican has made a correct decision for the benefit of everyone.
–Calveena D' Sylva

Procrastination, putting on weight are big sins for me
I think the Pope has been more populist than democratic while announcing these sins. Something like causing poverty becomes a very subjective matter. Personally, the first big sin that I would be embarrassed of committing is not being able to give my family enough time because of work, then putting on too much weight is also a sin. And I think I have already committed that deadly sin. But the biggest sin for me would be procrastination and inaction. We always have this habit of postponing things and avoiding work. Putting off everything for tomorrow can cause a lot of trouble later.                  
–Kapil Arora

Cheating, excessive greed and hurting others are sins
Iam glad that polluting the environment is going to be looked down upon as a sin by the catholic community. I think all of us should consider it as a sin. I think the Vatican has announced all these sins keeping in mind today's scenario. For me the three most deadly sins would be cheating, excessive greed money and hurting others. I was a very reckless driver and was about to kill a puppy once. I felt really bad that day and decided not to hurt anyone hence forth. I have also been a victim of cheating many times. So that is a very big sin for me.
–Prashant Keshvani

Abortion is certainly the biggest and deadliest sin of all
According to me aborting a girl child would classify as a deadly sin. This has become very prevalent these days in spite of people talking about equality. The second sin which people commit in today's generation according to me is making falsely commitments to people at work or even in their personal life. And thirdly I think that greed which is one of the original seven deadly sins is a deadly sin according to me as well. Greed for various things is experienced by us in our daily life and it is one of the worst sins.                      
—Tanuj Shah

Infidelity, greed are big sins today
S ome of the new sins are absolutely stupid and baseless. Bill Gates possesses excessive amounts of money and the whole world knows that he has put it to good use but does he deserve to go to hell as the Vatican mentioned? According to me the the big deadly sins today are infidelity and hurting or killing anyone innocent. Greed is a deadly sin too. Greed for anything materialistic is not good. Consumption of drugs would not classify as a sin but dealing in drugs can surely be classified as a sin.
–Nikhil Khedkar