In yet another bizarre incident of air travel story has hit the Internet where the passengers were subjected to an unappealing sight on a flight. A woman was filmed drying her soggy panties under the AC vent in a packed flight.


The one-minute viral video was taken aboard a Ural Airlines flight that took off from Antalya, Turkey heading to Moscow. The clip was shot on 14th of February and was sent to Russia’s ‘The First Tula’ website that was shared on YouTube.

The video was supposedly shot by a passenger who was sitting behind the woman who can be seen drying her panties in the video. The unidentified passenger was holding up a white underwear, can be seen flipping it over now and then to dry it under the AC vent.

According to, The First Tula, fellow passengers did not revoke or raise the issue with the woman and instead kept quiet.

"People looked with surprise and bewilderment, but all were silent," The First Tula quotes an anonymous eyewitness.

However, the brazen woman does not even look close to embarrassed as she coolly continues to dry her undies for over 20 minutes till they dry up.  

The viral video has hit the Internet and has drawn mixed reactions online. While some felt that this was an embarrassing and a shameful incident in a flight full of passengers. Some defending the female passenger that it’s not a bad idea to multitask during a long trip.