Sultan Al Neyadi, the UAE astronaut currently embarked on a six-month expedition to the International Space Station (ISS), has taken to Twitter to share mesmerizing photographs of the Himalayas from his vantage point in space. These captivating images, showcasing the breathtaking magnificence of the grand mountain range, have brought joy to internet users around the world.


“The Himalayas from space. Home to the Everest summit, the highest point above sea level on earth, these mountains are one of the iconic landmarks of our planet’s rich nature,” Sultan Al Neyadi expressed while sharing the images on Twitter.

The images depict the snow-clad Himalayas against a canvas of clouds, forming a stunning panorama that captures nature's grandeur as seen from the cosmos.

On August 12, the images were posted on Twitter, and since then, they have garnered more than 48,000 views, with the count continuing to rise.

"Amazing brother. Thanks so much for continuing to send us these gorgeous photos of our blue giant sphere of life," a user said.

“Nature’s grand masterpiece on full display,” another user said.

Nonetheless, this occurrence isn't novel, as astronauts have previously shared space pictures. Previously, NASA astronaut Josh Cassada posted a captivating photograph of the aurora borealis taken from the International Space Station (ISS). The picture captures a mesmerizing expanse of green light draping over our world, while distant city lights twinkle faintly below.