A Partial  Lunar Eclipse will occur on July 16 and 17 which will be visible in several countries around the world including India.


People living in certain parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia will be able to witness the Partial Lunar Eclipse.

At 1:31 am on 17 July, the Partial Lunar Eclipse can be viewed from India which will end at 5:47 am.

The next Partial Lunar Eclipse will occur on January 10, 2020. It will be followed by three more lunar eclipses in the same year.

A Total Lunar Eclipse will occur on May 26, 2021.

What is a Partial Lunar Eclipse?

A Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the Sun and the full Moon but the three celestial bodies do not form a straight line.

In a Partial Lunar Eclipse, a part of the Moon's surface is covered by the earth's shadow.

Part of the moon to be covered by Earth's lighter outer shadow known as Penumbra and the rest is covered by the darker inner shadow called the Penumbra.

A total lunar eclipse will be visible on May 26, 2021.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon and the earth are aligned in a straight line and the earth comes between the sun and the moon.

It occurs when the earth's shadow completely covers the moon. 

The earth completely blocks the sunlight coming from the moon thereby casting a shadow on the moon.