On May 26, we are going to witness the most beautiful cosmic phenomena, the Blood Moon commonly known as the lunar eclipse. It takes place only when there is a Full Moon and a total lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and the moon aligns in one line. 


This year, a lunar eclipse will occur on May 26, 2021. The moon will have a reddish tinge in it due to the dispersed light from Earth’s sunrise and sunsets that fall on the face of the moon in the middle of the eclipse.  

The eclipse will not be seen anywhere in the whole of North India including Delhi-NCR. In such a situation there will be no restriction related to food and drink. 

When the Earth is completely between the Moon and the Sun, this position is called a full lunar eclipse. In such a situation, the moon appears red, which is also known as a blood moon. The earth casts a shadow on the moon in two stages- penumbra (partial) and umbral (complete). The umbral stage is an interesting stage where the moon is in the full dark shadow of the earth.   

The eclipse will be visible in Australia, parts of the western US, western South America, or in South-East Asia. The eclipse will not be visible in India. However, this year the lunar eclipse will begin at 2.17 until 7.19 pm as per Indian Stand Timings (IST). 

There are going to be 4 eclipses in 2021 starting from May 26 – Total Lunar Eclipse, on June 10 – Annual Solar Eclipse, on November 19 – Partial Lunar Eclipse, and on December 4 – Total Solar Eclipse.