Asteroid Latest News: An asteroid as big as the Effiel Tower is approaching the way Earth and is predicted to hit sometime early in 2021, predicted Nostradamus, the famous French astrologer.


The huge monstrous asteroid is 0.83 times the height of the Effiel Tower and would be flying past the Earth. The asteroid is named 2021 CO247.

Asteroid approaching the Earth is no longer a rare occurrence to observe. Earlier, a gigantic 220-meter asteroid or about as wide as Golden Gate Bridge flew past the Earth at 6.9 million kilometers on January 3.

NASA scientists say an Asteroid named 2021 AC is set to hit the Earth’s orbit on Wednesday (January 6). The size of the asteroid is twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It will zoom by a distance of 3.5 kilometers.

As it happens every time an asteroid approaches, social media platform gets flooded with panicky users talking about a doomsday scenario. So in the first days of January, three additional, small near-Earth Objects (NEOs) will grace the Earth with their presence.

The 15-meter asteroid 2019 YB4 will fly by at a safe distance of 6.4 kilometers followed up by two more chunks of cosmic debris in the form of the 15-meter 2020 YAI and 21 –meter 2020 YP4 which will fly past the earth by 1.5 and 2.1 kilometers respectively, the next day.

NASA reported that the same incidents have occurred earlier when a similar-sized asteroid pass by Earth at a similar distance a few times per year, they are difficult to record unless head directly towards the planet in which case the explosion in the atmosphere is usually detected.

The world-famous French astrologer Nostradamus has made 6,338 predictions out of which 3,797 prophecies have proved correct.