Piyush Naik, a third year engineering student of Pune University, is all set to launch his second book on February 10. Naik, 20, and a resident of Bavdhan penned his first book at the age of 18, in 2013. 


Naik talking to iamin shared that his new book 'Bizzarre Emotions' of Diamond Books Distributors is a romantic thriller. His first book 'Oops! I fell in for a Don's daughter' was a romantic comedy. Although Piyush started writing his first book alone, he likes to add that everything and everyone around him has been an inspiration for his writings.

Based in Pune, the city has always been motivating for the future engineer. The author says that he started writing just because he wanted to. Talking about his new book, he adds that as far as Pune is concerned, characters of his second book are based in this city.

Naik is a fan of writers like Christopher Nolan, John Green and Chetan Bhagat. Piyush however added that he won't leave engineering but rather try to strike a balance between both writing and engineering.

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