It is the farmer who has been worst-hit due to the low rainfall activity. However, the effects of that adverse heat has percolated into the prices of vegetables and fruits and it's the common man who is eventually bearing the brunt of it. Consequently, low availability of vegetables has raised the prices by 1.5 to 2 times in the wholesale market.The supply of vegetables to the market has come down with the hampered production of the fluctuating climate due to the low rainfall. "Normally, 200 to 300 trucks come to the wholesale market, but since last week it has gone down to 100 trucks per day. Availability of all the leafy vegetables, onions and potatoes has been affected due to which farmers have increased the rates," said Shivlal Bhosale, president of the market yard commission agent's association."The leafy vegetables that we got for Rs7 to 8 a bunch is now Rs12 to 15 a bunch; potatoes and onions are also at Rs20 to 25 a kilo. If the crop production remains low, the prices can increase further," said Hanumant Chowdhary, a city-based vegetable wholesaler.The prices of vegetables in the retail markets have doubled causing problems for citizens, especially the lower and middle-income groups. "The rates of many vegetables have doubled in the past 2-3 days. Earlier, spinach was Rs10 a bunch, but it has become Rs20 now. All the regular vegetables are seeing the same price hike. Some vegetables like cauliflower are very tough to find in the market below Rs45 per kg," said Kiran Padalikar, 43, a resident of Katraj in Kondhwa Road.Last week v/s present pricesCorriander (bunch) 12 | 15-18Spinach               10-12 | 16-18Fenugreek          10-12 | 18-20Potato (kg)          20-25 | 30-35Onions                 20-25| 30-35