Pune: Pune region and Maharastra as a state recorded the highest pass percentage ever this year in the HSC results. Maharashtra state board recorded the highest pass percentage for freshers this year at 90.03%.Experts attribute this too the new 80-20 implementation system of marks. Pune region also acquired the fifth position with a record pass percentage of 90.73%. “For the first time, 20 marks were kept for internal assessment for project work for each subject and students had to write papers for only 80 marks,” said board chairman Gangadhar Mhamane. With only a 80 marks worth paper there was less pressure on the students to study and their overall yearly performance was taken into account with the internal assessment.Across the state, a total of 12,00,549 students had registered for the examination. Out of these, in the science stream, 3,97,392 students passed out of 4,24,244 students and the passing percentage was 93.67%. As far as the arts stream is concerned, the passing percentage was 86.33%with 3,50,692 students who passed out of 4,06,246. In the commerce section, there were 3,14,121 students who appeared and out of that 2,82,609 passed with the passing percentage at 89.97. In the MCVC section, 54,248 students appeared and 48,639 students passed and the pass percentage was 89.66.There were also fewer instances of copying compared to last year. “The number of cases of copying in the state has dropped as just 747 cases of using unfair means including 10 of impersonation were registered in the state, during the HSC exam which took place in February/March this year. Mhamane said last year, there were 2,157 cases of copy and impersonation registered during the exam. “Since the drive against the unfair means during the examination was executed strictly, the number of copying cases too dropped,” he said.