EPFO: Preparing for retirement and securing your financial future are pivotal for all working individuals. In India, a primary route to retirement savings is the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), designed to empower employees for a comfortable tomorrow. Recognizing the significance of staying informed about your EPF account balance, the Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has introduced new, user-friendly methods for checking your EPF balance – online and offline.


Gone are the days when employees had to rely solely on annual EPF statements from their employers to gauge their Provident Fund account balance. With the latest advancements, checking your EPF balance is now more straightforward and accessible.

Let's take a look into the diverse methods available for employees to review their EPF balance:

Missed call: For those who have activated and registered their mobile number on the Universal Account Number (UAN) portal and completed their Know Your Customer (KYC) process, a simple missed call can provide your EPF balance. Dial 011-22901406 from your registered mobile number. After two rings, the call will disconnect, and you'll receive a text message detailing your balance and the most recent contribution to your PF account.

SMS: Link your UAN with the EPFO, and swiftly check your PF balance via SMS. Send a message with the format EPFOHO UAN ENG (replace UAN with your UAN and ENG with the first three characters of your chosen language) to 7738299899. In response, you'll receive your PF balance information.

EPFO online portal: The recently revamped EPFO online portal facilitates easy access to your PF passbook. Head to the EPFO website, navigate to the 'Our Services' section, choose 'For Employees,' and click on 'Services.' Opt for the 'Member Passbook' feature, enter your UAN and password, and access your passbook. Keep in mind that your UAN must be verified and activated by your employer to avail of these services.

UMANG mobile application: The government's UMANG app streamlines the PF balance checking process. Beyond passbook viewing, the app empowers you to initiate and monitor claims efficiently. Start by registering on the app using the one-time password sent to your mobile number.

Use these user-friendly options to track your EPF balance, and secure your financial well-being in retirement.

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