While people across the city celebrate Uttarayan, the manja (glass-coated thread) used in kite flying continues to prove fatal for birds. A set of youngsters have taken it upon themselves to save the winged creatures; while some are not indulging in the sport, others will take to the streets on bikes and help injured birds by rushing them to the nearest vet.


Bird lovers Rahul More, Avilash Patel, Uttam and Vikesh Sinha have decided to help birds by getting them immediate medical help. The group will be active in across Ghodbunder, Pokharan Road, Naupada and Kasarvadavali.More said: "Each year, we read about birds being injured because of manja, and since the number of injuries are plenty, we will get medical help for them."

To this, Vikesh added: "We are not sure how many lives we can save but we will give a try." He added that he's sought the help of other friends, who have agreed to pitch in.

In addition to relying on the Thane SPCA for medical help during the festival, the group has also sought help of Progressive Animal Welfare Society in getting the birds treated. Till now, the group have saved over 60 birds and will continue their drive for another two days.