A group of women belonging to the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat sect of the Muslim community on Saturday criticised the Bill on triple talaq that was discussed in Parliament. The meeting was held on Saturday at Cutchi Memon Hall near Nagpada.


Called ‘Shariyat Bachao Andolan’, the meeting was chaired by women speakers. Another meeting will be held in the suburbs to garner support from the women in the community to oppose the Bill. 

“The Bill is an interference and against Shariah practices. Some women in the community were saying that they wanted to speak on the issue and hence this meeting was organised,” said Imran Dadani, member of Ahle Sunnat. 

“The Bill is wrong and it will only create more problems. The Shariah is very clear that these practices have been there and are part of the religion. Those who are opposing it have not understood the religion and need to go to someone who understands the religion properly,” said Alima Salma Razvi, an Islamic scholar. 

She added, “In this meeting, we told our women members that triple talaq is something that is not liked by our Prophet. He did not like it and people should desist from it. Similarly, it is something that is part of the religion. Criminalising it is wrong. In fact we will tell people from our community to stay away from it.”

When asked about women members of the community approaching the court against it and that it not being in the Quran, Razvi said, “They do not understand the teaching. It is present in the Quran also. There are specific verses. Also, a woman may not be able to marry if a male gives her talaq once but not for the remaining time. If she is given at once, she can marry someone else.”