From the much-coveted Mercedes bicycle to the good old Roxer, the city's shops have them all

The bicycle or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. Or is it? Today, bicycles are much more than a ‘vehicle’ or merely a means of transport. In cities like Mumbai, where there is hardly any place to ride a bicycle, most people who own it use it for an early morning ride around the neighbourhood. But bicycles are making a comeback.

Just take a look at the range available in the shops — from the Rs2,500 milkman bicycle to the Rs1.56 lakh Mercedes Benz model. "There are new models coming out every day," says Deepak Karoor, Manager, Metro Cycle Co, which is the oldest cycle shop in Kalbadevi. The shop has been around since 1941.

There is, of course, the Roxer model, which is one of the oldest available. These are bicycles that are used by milkmen, delivery boys of small restaurants and the our dabbawallas. These are also the heaviest and sturdiest bicycles available and weigh between 40 and 50 kgs. 

Till the early 1990s, these were the only models available in India. However, this has changed with a whole new generation discovering the joys that racing and mountain bikes have to offer. Today, the market is flooded with different kinds of mountain bikes that are available for Rs2,800 to Rs14,000. These have broad tires and are suited for riding on rough roads. They are also very popular among children as they are available in fancy designs and appealing colours. Other popular bikes are the Rooter bike (used for stunts), Tandem bike (can be ridden by two people at a time), women's bikes (with no middle bar and a sari/skirt guard).

But the most expensive and much coveted among them all are the racing bikes. They are specialised cycles with very thin wheels -— called aerodynamic wheels — and a body that can cut through air. The handles are bent downward and they have anywhere between five to 35 gears. The ones used by professional cyclists are made of carbon and weigh less than 3-4kgs. These cost more than Rs1 lakh. The cheaper version, made of aluminum, weighs around nine kgs and costs around Rs45,000.

Bicycles have also become lifestyle accessories. Why else would the Mercedes-Benz launch its range in Mumbai?
"The Mercedes Benz bicycle is one step beyond the car. Those who use the bike, probably carry it in their Mercedes Benz SUVs to someplace outside the city and ride it on a picnic," says Manas Dewan, deputy general manager, corporate communications, Mercedes Benz India. These bikes are priced between Rs75,000 to Rs1.56 lakh.

From being a basic means of transport worth Rs45 in the 1940s to a lavish lifestyle accessory in the 21st Century, bicycles have come a long way.  So what are you waiting for? Just go to your nearest cycle shop and hop on!