The Mumbai police booked a record 3,105 people for drink driving, 205 for speeding and 416 for driving dangerously in the last two months. Joint commissioner, traffic, Vijay Kamble talks to Neeta Kolhatkar about the drive.
What has been the response to the campaign against drink-driving?
It has been a revelation for us as well. Every year we catch about 1300-1500 people, but this year, since the campaign started on June 20, we have broken all records. We ourselves had not imagined this would be such a big problem. This is both a social and attitudinal issue.
Why do you say that?
Most people caught think they are in control of the vehicle. They claim they are not all Alistair Pereiras, and think a drink or two won’t hurt. We booked a man who lives in London, and apparently doesn’t drive after drinking there. But he was doing it here, and thought we were  wrong to book him
What prompted such strict action?
We received a large number of complaints. There were also several hit-and-run cases reported, and some involving dangerous bike riders. Our own policemen on the streets also pressed us into action. The fact that we are cancelling licences, and courts are putting people in jail for this, should send out the message that we are serious about this drive.

Is drink-driving a social problem?
It is also a revelation for the people who have been caught. Because of this, we now see elite, educated professionals land in jail. Drink-driving can be prevented by friends and family. A car or two-wheeler is only a vehicle, and a fast-moving one at that. One cannot fault the machine when the real problem is the person behind the wheel. Most people don’t think drinking and driving is an offence, in the first place.
Are there instances of offenders trying to bribe or pressure their way out?
There is no question of my policemen taking bribes because they believe in this campaign. Also, it is not possible for people to use pressure because they are more embarrassed at being caught, and fear their families would get to know about it.
How will you take the campaign to the next level?
Some awareness has come about because of this, but we need more. We plan to continue the drive and have sought 50 more breathalysers. We have 25-30 spots covered right now, and seek help from local police stations to cover a larger area. We will assess the situation every few months, and step up the drive if necessary.

How effective are the breathalysers that you use?
They are very effective. They are tested repeatedly and calibrated for the best performance.
What problems did the police face while implementing this drive?
Police face problems whenever there is bandobast duty involved. Right now the police are putting in extra hours without being paid even an extra rupee. Their extra allowance is paid only after 12 hours of duty, and that too is a paltry Rs30 for a hawaldar, constable or sub-inspector.