The Indian Navy has sent its second warship to the Somalian coast to save the lives of the eight Indians released by the Somali pirates in the merchant ship MV Asphalt Venture and to guide back the vessel safely home, the remaining seven hostages are still held up with the pirates. 


A Talwar-class stealth frigate from the Mumbai-based Western fleet left for the Gulf of Aden to escort back the Asphalt safely. One Indian naval ship is already carrying out patrols in the Gulf of Aden.

The Somalian pirates took a hefty ransom from MV Asphalt Venture but did not keep their word. They released only eight of the 15 Indian crew members last week. They are now negotiating for the release of the 110 arrested pirates in return for the remaining seven Indian sailors. The pirates were apprehended in the past four months in anti-piracy operations and are in custody of the Mumbai police.