Indian Business School (IBS) in Powai recently invited R Ramakrishnan, the vice chairman, joint managing director and group CEO of Polycab, to deliver a guest lecture on India's problems and their solutions.


Ramakrishnan's lecture focused on the importance of addressing India's social issues. "India is doing very well economically, but it is the social issues need to be addressed. Unless the social issues of female infanticide and foeticide, corruption, poor health care in rural and urban areas, and primary education are improved in the near future India's economic growth will be meaningless," he said.

He also stressed on the corporate world's importance in redressing these social wrongs through the means of corporate social responsibility projects. While speaking to an audience of management students, he encouraged them to give at least four years to social causes.

The lecture was held on IBS's third founder's day. It was preceded by a video a recording of the co-founder, NJ Yasaswy, who passed away in 2011. In the video, Yasaswy impelled students to follow their convictions and be passionate about their work.

IBS belongs to the Institutes of Chartered Financial Analysts of India.