Ever since information technology has shrunk the world into a global village, there is an app to meet your every need. Accordingly, parents who worry about their children's safety and also their academic activities can now keep a tab on the same through an app called '360 Track', developed by two Titwala locals.


Young entrepreneurs Swapnil Dabhade (25) and his sibling Mayur (24) got curious in 2013 about a news report that said that every year, over 1 lakh school students go missing. Moreover, Maharashtra tops the chart in this report. "So we got thinking that there should be some way to stop this and started doing our research," said Swapnil.

The duo — who have a firm in Thane, Horizon Technologies — got talking to parents and school authorities. "One teacher from a certain class said that, one day, three of his girl students did not come to attend his lectures. When he called up their parents, he learnt that they had bunked the class," Swapnil added.

He also said that this got them thinking and they came up with a system that has five components — a device, smart card, SMS service, online software and mobile app. The device is installed at the entrance of the school/college/class and the smart card is given to the students. As soon as the student enters the premises of the educational institution, an SMS is sent to his or her parents immediately.

Moreover, parents can go online and learn about their ward's attendance, marks, notice board, etc. "Since both parents work in a 9am - 6pm work culture, they do not have the time to go to their child's school. So, with this app, they can also chat with the teacher and vice versa," Swapnil said.

The app has been installed in Jayraj classes in Kalyan and they have also just signed a deal with a convent school in Thane, he added.