Taxi drivers in the city have written to state transport commissioner Dilip Jadhav, saying that the stipulated uniform is not acceptable  to them.


A notification issued in 2007 by the home department requires taxi owner-cum-drivers as well as drivers who ply taxis on a rental basis to wear khaki shirt or bush shirt and khaki trousers. The letter written by the Mumbai Taximen’s Union (MTU) points out that this change was enforced despite the union’s opposition.Head of the union Anthony Quadros said: “Ideally, taximen should be allowed to wear what they want. However, if they are insistent on a dress code, the transport department should at least give  options so that the taximen can choose.”

Transport Commissioner Dilip Jadhav could not be reached for comment. A senior transport department official said: “Changes can be made in the rules, if required, without much effort.”

Typically, a taxi is driven by two drivers in a day. They drive the taxi on a rental basis by paying a fixed sum to the vehicle owner. However, there are also permit and vehicle owners who drive their own taxis. To differentiate between the two, permit and vehicle owners historically wore white. The 2007 order irked them, as it mandated the use of only khaki uniform. Several drivers can be seen wearing the old white uniform in defiance of the order. Union leaders claim that the traffic police and RTO inspectors routinely penalise such drivers.