Officials at a bank’s headquarters on Wednesday did not allow a senior defence officer to meet some officials regarding an account fraud case.


Commandant Braj Kishore from the Indian Coast Guard had come to Mumbai on an official visit from Delhi. After his work was done, he visited the bank’s Bandra Kurla Complex branch around 2.30pm and told the security staff he wanted to meet officials from the internet banking grievance cell. An amount of Rs1.46 lakh had been fraudulently transferred from the Delhi account of his brother Madan Yadav to two unknown accounts.

“I was told that I will not be allowed to meet the grievance cell officials,” said Kishore. “They said it was due to security reasons.”Commandant Kishore was then in his official uniform and also showed his identity card to the security officials. However, he was kept waiting for one-and-a-half hours.

“I then called up the bank officials whom I had contacted when I was in Delhi,” he said. “An official came to the gate and made a visitor’s entry pass for me. Internet banking officials met me but had no answer as to why I was not allowed earlier. They apologised for what happened.”

In August, Rs1.46 lakh was fraudulently transferred to two unknown credit card accounts from Yadav’s account in Delhi. He informed the bank officials in Delhi. A police case was also registered regarding the same with the Delhi police cyber cell.Yadav contacted the bank officials on several occasions to know the status of his complaint. He was told that the two credit card accounts belonged to people in Kolkata and Bangalore.

Commandant Kishore said, “My brother had been contacting the bank officials so that they could take some action in the matter. But there was no response. Therefore, I decided to visit the bank personally while I was in Mumbai.”

When contacted, a spokesperson of the bank said, “We have come to know about the matter. We will investigate what actually happened at the headquarters on Wednesday.”