Maharashtra Home Minister RR Patil today announced a probe by crime branch into the devastating fire at Sara-Sahara malls, Manish and Mehta markets in Mumbai.
Updated : Dec 22, 2011, 09:02 PM IST
Maharashtra Home Minister R R Patil today announced a probe by crime branch into the devastating fire at Sara-Sahara malls, Manish and Mehta markets in Mumbai.
A senior officer of Mumbai crime branch will be deputed to conduct the inquiry as to whether the fire was result of a conspiracy, Patil said in the Legislative Council today.
Ashok alias Bhai Jagtap (Congress) raised the issue through calling attention motion. He said though the fire started around midnight on November 26, fire tenders arrived at the spot quite late. Why the fire could not be brought under control for over 13 hours, he asked.
Jagpap's contention was that the markets destroyed by the blaze were close to Crawford Market, which Mumbai Municipal Corporation is planning to redevelop. It was possible that some elements may engineer similar fire at Crawford Market and stall-owners there would be left in the lurch, he said.
Ram Pandagale (NCP) backed Jagtap, saying that underworld which operates from abroad might be behind the fire. The shopkeepers of Sara-Sahara mall had got threats from gangsters who wanted them to vacate, Pandagale said.
Patil said that as per the municipal corporation, fire was caused by a faulty electrical circuit, and it took nearly two days to put out the flames.
The fire spread from one building to another as there were illegal shanties in between, the home minister said. About 100 shops in Sahara market, 110 in Sara, 43 in Green House market, 32 shops in Yara market and 165 shops in Global Compound were gutted in the fire.