The state chief information commissioner, Ratnakar Gaikwad heard 349 appeals in a week creating a record of sorts. The feat was also possible because of series of applications that were filed by same individuals that were clubbed together and heard in one go. Gaikwad, as of now, holds the record of hearing most number of appeals, surpassing that of Shailesh Gandhi, former Central Information Commissioner.


Appeals of these individuals were heard at one go. The week in which the appeals were heard was September 26 to October 1. The total number of appeals heard is normally the count that one sets for a month's quota for hearing.

Most applications were filed by Iqbal Khan, an applicant who filed almost 106 appeals. The entire day of September 26, was set aside to heard appeals filed by Khan. Most appeals heard on other days included 58 appeals. 56, 52, 52 and 25 appeals on different days of the week.

Khan's appeal were related to road repairs, storm water drain, maintenance and building and factory. Citizens have filed RTI applications to get most information that is not given to them otherwise.

Like Khan, there were others also who had a number of appeals. Almost on three days there were six applicants who had multiple appeals that were heard together. These were between 10 to 32. All of their appeals too, like that of Khan, were heard at one go which went to the tally.