Revenue minister Narayan Rane, who is sulking after being denied the chief minister’s post, may launch his own party.

Indications are he will work against the Congress and support the Nationalist Congress Party in the next Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. His single mission will be to demolish the Congress in the state for not making him the chief minister.

Rane has a sizeable following in Konkan. The NCP may use his support to strengthen its prospects in regions where its base is weak or where it needs to fight the Shiv Sena.
Rane lashed out at the Congress leadership for not making him the chief minister and instead choosing Ashok Chavan. His supporters took to the streets raising abusive slogans against the outgoing chief minister, Vilasrao Deshmukh.

Many of his supporters assembled outside his official bungalow in Malabar Hills lauding his leadership. A disappointed Rane stayed indoors. Unwilling to accept the “defeat”, he said, “To me what is important is to remain in the heart of the people. I don’t want any post in the Congress.”