While not many patients are diagnosed with swine flu but other monsoon illness such as malaria, dengue, viral fever are on the rise. Due to the overburden of patients, few of the medical wards which admit patients with monsoon illness, have started having floor beds for the patients due to more number of patients needing admission.Sitting in the corridor and eating his lunch at St George Hospital, Biju Gupta, a Khar Road resident was happy that he will be getting discharged from the hospital today after five days of admission due to malaria. Just like Gupta, many patients have been coming to medicine outpatient department (OPD) of various public hospitals because of monsoon illness."We can't deny patients which need medical attention," said a doctor from St George Hospital. While the OPDs have a huge number of patients coming in for a check up every week, the beds too are full and a floor bed between two hospital beds are installed for later admission.Gupta, said, "Since four days, I was admitted to the hospital for malaria. While my first blood test was negative, the second test showed a positive sign.. I had been given the option to take medicine and go home, but I preferred to get admitted. While last week there were many patients, just like me, few of the patients have been getting discharged this week."An isolated ward which had five beds prepared for swine flu patients was used for malaria and dengue patients till last week. "There are no swine flu patients as of now which needs isolation. For the time being, we are utilizing these beds for other patients rather than keeping them empty," said a nursing staff.Dean of state-run Sir JJ Groups of Hospital was not available to comment.Few cases from outside the city and across the state are admitted too. In state-run JJ Hospital as well the number of cases are found to be admitted then expected this year.Dr. Usha Ranganathan, head of community medicines at Sir JJ Hospital, said, "On OPD basis number of acute diarrheal disease, malaria, dengue, chikungunya, pneumonia cases are seen more."She added, "In JJ Hospital, seven cases of Leptospirosis were admitted till mid-August and there was a 17 per cent rise in unknown fever admission.