We never know what is around the corner or what the next step in our life is going to be. So our priority must be our own inner stability and our relationship with the Supreme. If these are strong and firm, we would be able to deal with the circumstances and situations life brings up time and again.


Spiritual knowledge helps us understand ourselves and keep our emotions and feelings positive and powerful and that brings us  closer to the Supreme. The daily practice of understanding and reflecting on these truths will enable us to use whatever situation comes to serve others and move forward in a way that’s helpful and meaningful for everyone in general.

Many people have recognised how a situation of loss has been an opportunity to renew the self. Illness, for example, can be an  opportunity to have silence and solitude that isn’t possible in the busy lives most lead today. Losing a role or responsibility in life  can free oneself to reconsider ones values and priorities and perhaps take on a new and different one.

Bereavement is more difficult to deal with. Yet, even then, we can maintain our stability, when we understand that our vibrations reach  those we love and that by staying peaceful, we will bring help and strength to the souls that have gone. If we come into upheaval, that upheaval reaches them too and hampers them on their journey forward.

We haven’t suffered the loss alone - others around us also feel the loss keenly and our distress would add to theirs. Hence our stability will help them cope with their loss. So by helping others, we too will find strength.