Pope Benedict XVI’s official representative cardinal Murphy-O’Connor will visit Vasai with the president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India and Mumbai’s cardinal Oswald Gracias and the pope’s envoy in India archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio on Wednesday to mark the silver jubilee of the trip made by the former pope John Paul II to Vasai in 1986. The cardinal will arrive at Holy Spirit Church, Nandakhal, Virar, at 5pm. He will be welcomed by residents by performing traditional aarti and local bands will play Vasai’s traditional songs, Church parish priest Fr Lopes said.Fr Lopes said that Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor will hold a conference for priests and nuns of Vasai diocese from 5.30 to 6.30 pm.


Immediately after the conference, he will preside over the Holy Eucharistic celebration along with Vasai’s archbishop Felix Machado to convey the message of pope Benedict XVI to the people of Vasai.