The recent discovery of the paper leak during last Friday’s (March 23) Human Resource Management Third year of Bachelor of Management Studies paper has prompted the University into action. A three-member committee visited the BNN College, Bhivandi on Saturday to investigate students’ claims that the leak originated from there. A report will be submitted within 24 hours to the varsity authorities to take the decision. The committee comprises of former deans of the commerce faculty, Dr ST Gadade and Dr TA Shivare and the present dean Dr Madhu Nair.


Although the exam was conducted as per the schedule, it later emerged that some students were already clued in on the questions which they had received the night before via sms.

Nair, the convenor of the committee, confirmed the visit. “We have conducted the required investigation in the paper-leak”. On being asked if the paper will be re-conducted, Nair said, “This decision will be taken by the authorities after the report is submitted.

However the decision will certainly be quick to avoid any inconvenience or panic”.

Meanwhile, examination goof-ups continue to dog the Mumbai University. Medically challenged students appearing for the varsity examinations are confused about from where to get the letter allowing them the facility of extra 30 minutes to write the paper.

While professors say the letters should have been given out along with the hall tickets, varsity authorities said the students can collect the said letters from their respective colleges.