Nine persons were caught on camera by DNA playing cards and gambling with money inside Indian Oil Bhavan in Bandra East during working hours on Monday afternoon. Indian Oil Corporation Limited has since identified two persons and have launched an internal probe to identify the others caught in the photographs.


In the photographs, nine men in formal attire can be seen playing cards with cash on a makeshift table inside the compound of the IOCL registered office in Ali Yavar Jung Marg in Bandra East.

Sadhana Mittal, spokesperson of Indian Oil Corporation Limited, said, "We have identified two persons involved in playing cards inside the office complex. Others would be identified soon and strict action will be taken against them."

"The two persons identified are drivers and are hired by the employees privately. They are not company employees," Mittal clarified.

Virendra Mishra, Deputy Commissioner of Police of Zone VIII, said, "We will increase vigilance in the area to catch them red-handed and book them for gambling."