After news reports over the last four days damning ministers for alleged impropriety and scams, as claimed by the CAG report, industries minister Narayan Rane came out with his guns blazing and blasted the opposition leaders who, he said, were acquiring government land at “throwaway prices”.


“What is the source of income for the opposition leaders?” asked Rane amid a noisy session in the legislative council. Stating that he was in possession of a list of beneficiaries that named leader of the opposition Eknath Khadse, former leader of the opposition in the council Pandurang Phundkar, and MLAs Devendra Phadnavis and Sharda Giri Chaudhary, all from the BJP, Rane called for a debate on the CAG report.

Further, he pointed out that since the chairman of the public accounts committee was from the opposition, the latter was certainly not in the dark about the CAG report findings.

Rane, a former Shiv Sena leader, had a sharp exchange with Sena MLC Ramdas Kadam, with both trading personal charges against each other. However, the council chair later had the remarks expunged from the records. This led to a massive ruckus, forcing deputy chairman Vasant Davkhare to adjourn the house for 25 minutes.

Parrying Rane’s barbs, Kadam demanded an immediate tabling of the CAG report. Saying that the CAG had indicted several top ministers, leader of the opposition in the council Vinod Tawde said, “We want these scams exposed and if the government says it is not involved, then it should clarify its stand by tabling the report.”

Minister of state for finance Rajendra Mulak said the report will be tabled on April 16.