The aftershocks of the Japan earthquake and the resulting tsunami were felt in the cyberspace on Friday — the most widespread theme being the link between the natural calamity and the approaching lunar perigee, when the moon is closest to earth, on March 19.


On March 19, the moon will be closer to earth than at any time since 1992, just 2,21,567 miles away, and that its gravitational pull will bring chaos to earth. Even those who did not initially agree with the linkage became converts after the disaster. Brannon Jordan, a Tweeter, wrote, “Not sure I believe this, but in light of today’s disaster had to share. Could supermoon neek week disrupt earth’s weather?”

On Facebook, there were those who worried about how this will upset their own schedules. Yogesh Damle, a television scribe’s status message, said: “I can see it coming, channels linking tsunami to the supermoon or the March 19 lunar perigee!”

When DNA spoke to astrologers, they agreed we are in for bad times. Astro-numerologist Bhavikk Sangghvi said, “Japan is particularly unlucky as it numerologically vibrates to the number 16, which is associated with destruction and accidents. Add to that the date March 11, 2011, which works out to 9, the number of Mars, and the combination is laden with havoc.”

He advised people to avoid auspicious activities till the March 19. “We call this period Holashtak and it is prescribed in scriptures that this is an inauspicious time,” he explained.

Astrologer DK Soman, however, said, “I have dates of all the major earthquakes over the last century and none of them have coincided with the perigee.”