My resolution was the most absurd to the people around me. This year, I have planned to drink at least two litres of water every day.


The desire for radiant and glowing skin is not the reason I want to keep gulping water. Instead, it is the happy realisation that I don’t visit the toilet frequently that has compelled me to home in on this resolution.

Women, especially those who spend long hours on the field, will empathise with me when I say that the lack of clean public toilets and the fear of contracting infections compel many of us to cut down on our water intake. It is best not to drink water than hunt for places to answer nature’s call. After all, we are not as ‘privileged’ as men that we can relieve ourselves anywhere.

In the process, however, we invite many health complications like kidney stones, urinary tract infection and water retention — only some of the side-effects of drinking less water. I have decided not to compromise my health and in the process cover up the inefficiency of the corporation and the state government in providing clean toilets to women. I have to confess that I tried hard to keep up with this decision of drinking more water after falling ill every time and my doctor warning me to drink more water. Finally, I decided to take it up as a New Year’s resolution.

I am ready for the challenge and I will keep you posted on what happens.