Marine Drive was abuzz with activity as a number of artistes and professionals came together to address the issue of climate change. The event was initiated by a global campaign called The idea was to ask the world leaders to take the right decisions at the UN Climate Negotiations in Copenhagen being held in December this year.

October 24, earmarked as the International day of climate change, witnessed over 4,500 events across different countries. Mumbai too actively participated and a large human chain of over 300 people was seen at Marine Drive. Organisations like Greenpeace, Kids for Tigers, Indian Youth Climate Network and We Are The Scene joined The events included performances like kickboxing and street theatre.

Rashi Jain of We Are The Scene said, “We wanted to use art for a cause. Music and theatre can captivate people’s attention.”

The people acting as dead bodies lying around with messages like drought, flood, famine and rising sea level caught the people’s attention. “The need of the hour is to have a renewable energy law in the country. The world leaders can save thousands of people by making the right decision at Copenhagen and by keeping the carbon emissions below 350 ppm.

People can start off by switching over from the yellow incandescent bulbs to energy saving CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lambs),” said Deven Digwal of Greenpeace India.
According to Ruchi Jain, India coordinator,, the idea of this event was not only awareness but also to ask every individual to take action. “It was about reaching out to a large number of people. We want to ask for change.”