St George's Hospital has now set-up a six-member committee to examine the cases which want to undergo the gender change operation. The decision comes after they kept receiving calls to inquire about the surgery.


Soon next week a special OPD will be opened in the hospital to examine the cases under Dr Rajat Kapoor, who operated on Lalit(a) Salve, a Beed constable.

According to the hospital staff, after receiving calls from across the state and other parts of the city, they have now formed a committee to examine the cases before undergoing any operation related to gender change.

Dr Madhukar Gaikwad, medical superintendent of St George's Hospital, said, "Last week a team comprising of a gynecologist, urologist, general surgeon, psychiatrist, anaesthetist, and physician was formed to handle special cases which will be attended at soon to be opened OPD ward. A special OPD ward to deal with gender change cases will be opened by next week at the hospital. So far the hospital has received eight cases related to gender change surgery."

A special ward will be opened within limited budget and manpower. The hospital is planning to invite Lalit(a) Salve to inaugurate the ward. Lalit(a) underwent first phases of genital reconstruction surgery in the hospital.