A team of Mumbai police conducting a parallel inquiry into US terror suspect David Headley's alleged role in plotting terror attacks in India, including the 26/11 strikes here, will fly to the US to gather more information about him from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

"As we are also conducting a parallel inquiry into the Headley's terror activities, it will become inevitable for us to fly to the US and seek more information about him from the FBI," a police source said.

"We need substantial evidence about Headley's role in the Mumbai terror attack and a police team will fly to the US in this regard," the source added.

National Investigation Agency (NIA) had registered a case on Wednesday against Headley and his accomplice Tahawwur Hussain Rana, a Canadian of Pakistani origin, and is probing their role in various terror strikes in the country, including 26/11 Mumbai attack.

The source also said Headley had stayed at a prominent hotel in south Mumbai besides Ourtram Hotel during his visit to the city.

Headley, 49, was arrested last month at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport as he prepared to board a flight to Philadelphia, intending to travel to Pakistan.

FBI also arrested Rana, 48, for his alleged involvement in terror activities.